What are higher-order components in ReactJS

As a modern, declarative, and flexible JavaScript library, ReactJS continues to evolve to offer expanded capabilities and improve overall performance in developing scalable and fast applications. One of React’s advanced features is the higher-order component (HOC) that empowers developers to reuse component logic and enhance the functionality of their React components. So, precisely what are higher-order components in ReactJS?

Understanding Higher-Order Components

Higher-order components or HOCs in ReactJS are functions that accept a component and return a new component with added properties, methods, or behaviors.

Essentially, a higher-order component is a pattern derived from React’s compositional nature rather than being a part of the React API.

Think of a HOC as the factory for components, where it takes a set of specifications (a component) and churns out an upgraded product (a new component).

The term ‘higher-order components’ is borrowed from the concept of higher-order functions in JavaScript. Higher-order functions are functions that either take other functions as arguments or return other functions.

Similarly, higher-order components take components as input and return a new component with extended functionalities.

When to Use HOCs

Using higher-order components is recommended when multiple components share common logic or behavior. For instance, fetching and displaying data from an API is a common task. Instead of writing that same code for each component that needs it, you can write it once in a HOC and use it across your components.

Consider HOCs when you want to modify the rendering behavior of a component or when you want to abstract away complex state logic and keep your components clean and focused.

An Example of a HOC

An example of an everyday use case for a HOC is a react component that inserts some styling into a child component.

Let’s say you have many components that need a specific background color and a common style; the following HOC inserts a background color via props and applies the style TITLE to any child component passed to this HOC.

// Title.tsx

import "./Title.css"

export const Title = ({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
  bgColor: string
}) => (
  <div className="Title" style={{ backgroundColor: `${bgColor}` }}>

Here is how to use it

import { Title } from "./Title"

export const MyComp = () => (
  <Title bgColor="blue">
    <p>Hello World!</p>

Benefits of Using HOCs

The main advantage of using higher-order components in ReactJS is code reusability. HOCs enable you to reuse component logic, an efficient way to maintain code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

Instead of duplicating code across components that fulfill similar functions, you can wrap them in a HOC to share common functionality.

Another benefit of using HOCs is the separation of concerns. HOCs allow you to separate the logic from the presentation layer of your components, making the component more modular and easier to manage.

By avoiding unnecessary complexity, your code becomes easier to understand and maintain.


Higher-order components are an incredibly powerful tool in the ReactJS toolbox. While not an integral part of the React API, they arise naturally from React’s compositional nature. As a developer, understanding HOCs can enable you to write cleaner and more reusable code, making your applications more robust and maintainable. Happy coding!

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