For Loop in Matlab

Working and constructing for loops in Matlab happen the exact same way they do in other programming languages, at the only difference that in Matlab the first index the for loop goes through is never zero. In Matlab, the first index is 1, and this is information you should always remember while working with for …

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Plotting in Matlab – The Basics

We have recently used the EZPLOT technique to plot in Matlab, which is indeed an easier technique to plot compared to the one we are going to make use of in this post. Plotting functions gives us a visual description of the behavior of the latter as we change the system variable. And Matlab is …

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Vectors in Matlab: Basic Operations

I will define a vector here as being a matrix with either a single column and many rows or a single row and many columns.The following are two vectors Now that we are settled on what a vector is, let’s look how to manipulate vectors using Matlab. Vectors in Matlab Create a vector in Matlab …

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Matlab Matrix Operations

If you ever tried to work with huge matrices, you will know how unpleasant and tedious. Here is where Matlab come to play, it makes working with Matrices easier. With Matlab, one of the major problem for beginners is to understand how the software works and what the software need in order to help them …

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Newton Raphson Method Matlab

The aim of this session is to use a basic example to illustrate how to use the Newton Raphson method in Matlab. We will make use of the ode45 solver, and use boundary conditions in the following example. Here come the exercise With boundary conditions Here is the route we will take Newton Raphson method …

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EZPLOT vs PLOT in Matlab

Here is a quick comparison of the EZPLOT and PLOT in Matlab. We have recently separately worked with both commands in the previous posts which you can have a look at. EZPLOT and PLOT are two commands that allow to graph function in Matlab. Here is how to use them. Ezplot vs plot in Matlab …

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Solving Polynomial Equations Using Matlab

Polynomial equations are some of the most popular types of equations in Math. Knowing how to solve them is a thing but actually solving them is another thing. The methods you can use to solve them are many, but if you happen to have Matlab or the free Matlab alternative Octave you might as well …

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Matrix Multiplication – Matlab

Matrix multiplication is likely to be a source of a headache when you fail to grasp conditions and motives behind them. Here, we will talk about two types of matrix multiplication and how you can handle them both manually and using Matlab. One of the best ways to test your understanding of the following is …

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Matlab Tricks: Creating an “Array”, Modifying Matrix Elements

Among other tricks you can make use of while using Matlab, here are two tricks that may help you have easier control while working with Matrices. The first tip helps you create a list of elements in a certain order, and the second will simply help you modify an element in an already existing matrix. …

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Derivative in Matlab

In this post, we will pay some attention to one of the basic operations of calculus which is Derivation. We are not going to go into Derivative formulas here. We will right dive into helping those who need to find a derivative jump into Matlab and quickly get what they are looking for, without having …

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Matlab Plot Colors and Styles

As we have already stated here, by writing help plot or doc plot in Matlab you will be able to find the information we are about to give you down below. Matlab plotting colors The following are the letters you can add to your code to control the color of your plot while plotting in …

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How to Convert Numbers From Polar to Cartesian Form and Vice Versa

Among other Basic Matlab tutorials here on tutorial45, we are bringing this one along as a quick tip to help you convert numbers from Polar to Cartesian in Matlab. We all know how to manually convert numbers from Cartesian to Polar and from Polar to Cartesian, Here we will try to get introduced to the …

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