Unique 2D Autocad Exercises to Improve Your Skill Now

Few more AutoCAD exercises Exercise 1 This Exercise was first introduced in this AutoCAD quiz. Feel free to check it to find out what the height of the image is. The value of A will unveil itself after drawing the part you are given information about. Exercise 2 You can find this same Exercise in …

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AutoCAD Quiz 01

Here is the second AutoCAD quiz of our series of AutoCAD quizzes. If you have not taken the first one, feel free to head to it before diving into this one. The following quiz will highlight some tips we omitted during previous AutoCAD tutorials, and will also help sink some important information in your brain. …

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AutoCAD Tutorial 14: Explode Command in AutoCAD

The EXPLODE command in AutoCAD comes in handy when you wish to disassemble a component into its sub-components. This gives you the ability to edit each of the sub-components separately. One of the first examples that come to mind is what happens when you use the RECTANG method to create a rectangle, and after you …

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AutoCAD Tutorial 13: Mirror and Rotate Command in AutoCAD

Here come MIRROR and ROTATE command, two important commands in AutoCAD. These commands will be a lot useful to you and will constantly help you get stuff done the right way. MIRROR This command will help create a mirrored copy of a selected object. On the example below I have used the vertical line to …

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AutoCAD Tutorial 20: Convert Line to Polyline

While we are much more focusing on AutoCAD basics here, it is necessary to learn how you can convert LINE to Polyline and vice versa. This might not make sense to you now but will surely come in handy when you will come to a point where you need to convert a line to a …

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AutoCAD Tutorial 19: Convert Spline to Polyline

There are diverse AutoCAD commands that will help you draw what we will call a segment if we were using the vocabulary used in Mathematics. In CAD, things have been redefined, mostly categorized by the way they look and the step you go through while creating them. Thus, it will not be something new if …

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AutoCAD Tutorial 18: Basics of Annotation in AutoCAD

AutoCAD ANNOTATION is what makes a project have all its meaning and its raison d’être to the eyes of someone looking at it when the creator of the project is not around. Annotations can also help CAD drafters keep track of all the important information a plain image can not express in a project. In AutoCAD, …

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