Arduino Knight Rider Project

The Knight Rider is one of the perfect Arduino projects for beginners. What is Knight Rider? It’s a set of LEDs that blinks one after another, Here is what the official Arduino page says: We have named this example in memory to a TV-series from the ’80s where the famous David Hasselhoff had an AI …

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Arduino Projects: How to Read Arduino Rotary Encoders

Rotary decoders have been around for years. They can be used in robotics and especially in motors to detect direction and speed. Moreover, you can use them for photographic lenses, trackballs, optomechanical mice, and, of course, Arduino projects. Here, we’re going to talk about it.The main components of the rotary encoders are: Breadboard Jumper wires …

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Arduino Projects: PIR Motion Sensor

Alarms are very common nowadays, a lot of people have alarms in the whole house. But what if you want your internal alarm? For example, you may want to stop your siblings from entering your room, this project will help you build a simple PIR motion sensor using the Arduino Uno board. This project won’t have any …

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Top Arduino Sensors – The Ultimate list

Can one talk about a controller without talking about control inputs? The beauty of the IoT (Internet Of Things) is that we can automate things and have them perform without us always needing to intervene in the process. Where the need for sensors, that will play the role of eyes to the controlling part of …

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Arduino Projects: LED – 4X4X4 LED Cube

An Anduino LED Cube is a fantastic project; it can be used as a decoration piece or used with other equipment like microphones or motion sensors for various applications. Basically an LED cube is a 3 dimensional cube made out of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The Cube can be made in various ways but for …

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How to Install a Library Onto the Arduino IDE

Most of the basic Arduino projects do not require an external library but it is very important to know how to add a library to the Arduino IDE. What is an Arduino library? It is just a file with pre-programmed functions that will help you manipulate the hardware with much ease. It used to be a little confusing to …

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Arduino Projects: Servo Potentiometer Control

Servos are useful devices, not only in robotics but almost everywhere. They are powerful, cheap and easy to use. You can also easily transform them to work in a continuous manner and use them as normal motors in your robot. It can move an ultrasonic sensor around to make a radar or be used to turn the …

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Top 9 Books Every Engineer Should Read

It is a known fact that when it comes to reading, the average engineer places his or her entire focus on reading only books relating to one course of study. But if one is to truly believe the words of William Feather on how reading books opens the mind, broadens your thoughts and strengthens you, then …

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Arduino Relay Project

If you have ever had in mind the desire to control one of your real-world appliances with an Arduino, here is a good Arduino relay project that shows you how you can, for example, use the combination of elements shown in this post to build a bridge from the Arduino layer to any other appliances …

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Arduino Projects: Arduino DC Motor Control

Lots of beginners are having some issues with connecting a motor to the Arduino board. Some even try to connect the motor directly to the board’s pins. huge fail. Do not do this! That would likely damage your Arduino Board regardless of the size of the motor. The maximum current that the Arduino can supply …

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Arduino Projects: Asynchronous LEDs Blink

Making Arduino perform asynchronous tasks is not an easy job and such Project requires you to practice implementation of clean and optimized programs. It is very useful to know how to program AVR in C and how to read the datasheets in order to implement timers. This project will shed some light on the how to …

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Arduino Projects: RGB LED Arduino

Everyone loves LEDs, they are cheap, simple to use and you can easily learn all Arduino tricks with them. But here some an even cooler LED type, this one is different from the ordinary LED we have been using here. It’s called the RGB LED. What is the RGB LED? The RGB LED is a …

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Arduino Projects: Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

In one of our previous Arduino project, we used the sensor HC-SR04 to allow a robot to see obstacles while moving and to act accordingly. The HC-SR04 is a very popular ultrasonic sensor and you should definitely learn how to make use of it. This project will be subdivided into two parts. We want to build …

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