Arduino MOSFET Project

If you’re familiar with Arduino, you’re likely aware of the frequent need to incorporate motors into projects, especially those involving robotics. In a previous tutorial, we discussed using a transistor to control small motors. But what if you find yourself needing to control a larger motor? The solution to this requirement lies in using a …

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Arduino Knight Rider Project

The Knight Rider is one of the perfect Arduino projects for beginners. What is Knight Rider? It’s a set of LEDs that blinks one after another, Here is what the official Arduino page says: We have named this example in memory to a TV-series from the ’80s where the famous David Hasselhoff had an AI …

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Electronic DIY Metal Detector Project

Today, we are going to build a DIY metal detector with the help of these devices which will help make the process easy and fun. The end product, the metal detector itself once built can help you find metallic stuff under the ground, who knows what might just be buried there waiting for you! Here are the …

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Electronic DIY Voice Control LED Project

We worked on creating a decibel meter using the Arduino board here and how to assemble an audio level indicator. This one is a simple and perfect electronic project for beginners. Let’s put this voice control LED board together so the LEDs blink every time noise is detected. Let’s get started. Here are the elements contained in …

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Electronic Project for Beginners: Square Wave Generator

There are a lot of tools that are useful in an electronics workshop, some are basic ones such as power supplies and multimeters but at some point, you will need more advanced tools like an oscilloscope or a function generator. Those are quite expensive but fortunately. That is why today, we are going to build a cheap DIY …

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DIY Electronic Fidget Spinner

Let’s revive our old friend the fidget spinner!. It won’t be a bad idea if we decide to add a few LEDs to a fidget spinner shape printed board. Here is the list of all component we are going to use in this DIY project. This kit comes with clear instructions on how to put the …

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Electronic Project for Beginners: Fiber Light

These days everyone wants faster internet, but copper wires reached their limit so we are using something better than copper. That’s fiber! In this simple DIY project you will see how light travels through a fiber cable. There are just 4 connections to be soldered in this project making it friendly and perfect for beginners. Here are …

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Electronic DIY Project: Building Your Own Oscilloscope

Here comes on of the more exciting and useful DIY project of this year: An oscilloscope. Before we start working on this project, I would also like to state that this is the best way to own your first oscilloscope and to start enjoying the power of having one. A professional oscilloscope will cost around …

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Electronic Project: DIY Audio Level Indicator

We have had a blast completing this project last time using the Arduino board. Today, This DIY kit will help us achieve the same result in a completely different way. Here is a small volume meter for us to play with today. Besides the parts, you will also need these tools: A Soldering iron A …

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Electronic Project: DIY LED Emergency Light

This DIY project is a bit similar to the DIY audio level indicator we’ve worked on in the past. Today’s LED project brings a considerable number of electronic parts to solder as compared to what we’ve got in previous posts but will also help you improve not only your soldering skill but also the ability to …

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Arduino LED Cube Project

Let’s add a new LED project to the numerous Arduino LED projects we have been working on here. Today, we are building a 4x4x4 LED cube. All we need for this project can be found in this kit. It is an Arduino shield that we need to build ourselves, connect to the Arduino board, and program …

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Electronic Project: The Making of an Electronic Dice

The best DIY projects are the ones that give you joy when used. And as every board game enthusiast knows, a dice is usually the most important piece of every board game. Therefore, if you have ever found yourself in search of throwing dice to use during family gatherings or on camping trips, then you’ll …

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Electronic Project: DIY Electronic Clock

Most of the previous tutorials here have been Arduino related, but there are much more than just Arduino when it comes to making things. Connecting projects on a breadboard is a simple and fast way to prototype but when you want to keep your project for a long time or present it on some kind of contest or …

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Tetris: Pursuing a Nostalgic DIY Project

No game defined hand-held gaming in the 80s’ like Tetris. If you every burnt through tens of AA batteries to move through level 1 to 20, you definitely know what I am talking about. And as retro gaming makes a comeback, now is the perfect time to revisit past joys by developing a Tetris hand-held …

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Electronic DIY Project for Your Lover

SIMPLE is always the best when you are learning. Talking of simple, today, we are building something impressive using this beginner DIY kit. This kit will actually help a lot in sharpening your soldering skill and will also help you understand electronic better. Should I say this project is a great one for beginner and …

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