Servos are cool but you can only move them from 0 to 180 degrees, what if you want to have precise continuous rotation? Stepper motor is the answer.
A stepper motor is a very precise motor that you can instruct to rotate one step at a time. They are used in CNC machines, 3D printers and in robotics.
The big ones can be really expensive. In this tutorial, we are going to use a super cheap stepper motor with a stepper driver. You can find them online for as cheap as $2 (motor + driver).
The 28byj-48 is the one stepper we will work with and you can find lots of projects that use this motor just by googling it’s name. Thanks to its driver it’s super easy to connect it to the Arduino Uno board.
Arduino stepper motor control
What we need:
You will need 6 cables with female-male connectors, 4 of them from the Arduino digital pins to the stepper driver and 2 of them from the Arduino power pins to the stepper driver power pins.
You can simply connect the motor to the driver with its connectors. Here is an image that shows what is found on the stepper driver.
Here is how you should connect the whole.
This is what it looks like. My Arduino is in a 3D printed case that I built.
Last but not least the Arduino program.
It uses a the SWITCH CASE command to shorten the its length.
Arduino stepper motor code
I figured I should add a piece of tape on the rotating head of the motor to be able to easily see what is happening.
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