Electronic Project: DIY Advanced clock

We have previously worked on a relatively simple DIY electronic clock here, today we are coming back with another clock, but this time with lots more components as compared to the previous one.

This time, it is at the edge of the beginner level due to the fact of the number of parts to be soldered. This project is the perfect challenge if you have been playing with electronic DIY projects in the past. There are lots of components including small SMD components. This clock glows, blinks, shows date, time and temperature. If you have never tried to solder SMD components, this is a good project to start with.

Here is a video that will show you how this clock works and what you can find in the kit.

These are all the parts you need for this project and it includes a USB cable. You don’t have to use batteries to have this work.

electronic components

The kit comes with this leaflet that clearly explains how every component should be placed on the PCB.


We will start by soldering the smallest components such as resistors and capacitors. They are packed in these long small white papers, just tear off the foil and get out the elements.

led components

The values of each component are labeled on the PCB and resistors, just don’t mess up with the capacitors because those are not labeled.

Solder them carefully from one side and then from the other one.

circuit board

Do the same on the other side of the PCB.

resistors on the circuit board

Now, we will solder the transistors. These are not easy but with a little patience, you can make it.

component on the circuit board

Remember to solder the transistors on the other side of the PCB too. And that’s all of the SMD components.

Around a clock, on the edge of the PCB, we need to solder 60 small 3mm LEDs. There is a pattern to follow,  make sure to follow it. Check the instruction manual.


There are some additional components in the kit such as LEDs, resistors, and small capacitors just in case you lose or break something.

That’s how I started soldering all of those LEDs.

led mounted on the circuit board

I put one LED in place solder it and then add another one otherwise, it’s hard to solder them.

It’s also useful to use a vice and a book to keep it at an angle.

mounted led on the circuit board

After a while, all LEDs are in place.

completed led mounted on the circuit board

Remember to cut out all of the legs of LEDs on the other side.

cutting legs

Solder the crystal (that’s this small silver element), the temperature sensor (DS18B20) and the capacitor. Those are super easy to solder, remember to cut out legs after soldering.

circuit board and components

Now let’s solder the USB connector, the buttons.

input electronic components

Now, place the battery holder, the buzzer and the other crystal, the one inside of Atmegas support.

circuit board and battery

Finally, the LED display: the last part to solder.

lcd mounted on the circuit board

And just before the final test, remember to put the IC in place.

completed circuit board

And there you have it!

The clock is ready, feel free to plug it and set the time using the buttons on the face front of the board. Explore its functions.

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