Electronic DIY Project for Your Lover

SIMPLE is always the best when you are learning. Talking of simple, today, we are building something impressive using this beginner DIY kit.

This kit will actually help a lot in sharpening your soldering skill and will also help you understand electronic better.

Should I say this project is a great one for beginner and can additionally help show your love to a loved one?

Without further due, Let’s get started!

This quick video will help you have a birth eye view of what this project is about.

Here are all the component we are going to use.

electronic components

There are four different values of resistors here. I will invite you to make use of a multimeter to find the value of each while soldering it on the board. You can also check the third image below, and place your resistors as shown on the image.

circuit board and resistors

Solder all the resistors and then cut out their leads.

You should always cut out the leads of the components when they are too long after soldering, that will help avoid potential shorts.

electronic diy projects, front face

Next two things to solder are: the potentiometer and the switch. With this potentiometer we can control the frequency of the LEDs blink and the switch is there to turn the device ON and OFF.

electronic diy projects, font face

And finally the IC (Integrated Circuit) right in the center of the PCB.

electronic diy projects, core components

Time to solder all of the LEDs on the edge of the PCB. There are 23 LEDs to solder but I found 26 LEDs in the kit so there are 3 spare LEDs. Make sure to solder them properly. Remember the longer lead of the LED is the positive one.

electronic diy projects, mounting leds

My advice is to solder 2 to 3 LEDs at once, it simpler to keep them straight that way.

You can also cut out the leads after each step so to make you have more space to solder the rest.

electronic diy projects, final product

Here is how it should look like with all the components in place. This is the other side of the PCB.

electronic diy projects, main board

Last thing that we have to do is to solder a cable that will help us connect to power. Unfortunately this cable isn’t provided with the kit so you have to find two pieces of wire by yourself.

electronic diy projects

To power it you can use 4V up to 6V, I will use my lab bench power supply for that.

electronic diy projects with led on

And voila!

electronic diy projects with led on

Electronic DIY projects: