Solidworks Tutorial: Sheet Metal

Here is a quick Solidworks sheet metal tutorial. The sheet metal tool allows you to quickly create sheet metal part designs using a simple design process, all helping to save time and development costs. Let’s see how this works Solidworks sheet metal tutorial Step 1 First Create a New Part. Step 2 Right-click on the …

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Solidworks Tutorial: How to Mirror Parts

In this post, you will learn how to use the Mirror command in Solidworks. Mirroring is another way that SolidWorks can create a “copy” of an existing object. Additionally, you must choose a plane to mirror parts. In most cases, you will have to create your own plane to have the mirror done the way you …

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Solidworks Tutorial: Convert Entities

By converting entities in Solidworks, you can easily create one or more curves in the sketch by projecting an edge, loop, face, curve, external contour, set of edges onto the sketch plane. Solidworks convert entities Let’s use the example below to help assimilate what we are trying to put forward here. Step 1 First Create a …

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SolidWorks Tutorial: Using the LOFT Command

The LOFT tool is one of the many Solidworks that help you create smooth and organic shapes. It creates a shape by making transitions between multiple profiles and guides curves thus allowing you to create complex geometry with a single tool. Solidworks LOFT Let’s take a look at how we can create a model like the …

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7 Free Alternatives to SolidWorks Every Student Should Know

There are some quite popular 3D modeling software applications been used around the CAD industry, that every designer knows about and SolidWorks obviously falls into this category. This design application was built for the task of modeling and rendering models which it does excellently due to its extensive features and simplistic user-interface. SolidWorks does its …

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The Best Graphics Card For SolidWorks

A proper graphics card can make a difference between a fantastic SolidWorks experience and constant annoyance at the way you view your projects. Since SolidWorks software is far from being cheap, not taking advantage of all the possibilities it has to offer is downright irresponsible. If you want your system to run as smoothly as …

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Solidworks Tutorial: Cosmetic Thread

In this tutorial, we are going to learn in few steps how to easily use Solidworks to create a cosmetic thread. Let’s quick dive into the tutorial. Solidworks cosmetic thread Step 1 Our usual first steps remain. Step 2 As you must have learned from previous tutorials, we must select the plane we want to create …

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Solidworks tutorial: How to Create a Sphere in Solidworks

If you are an absolute beginner, Creating a Sphere with Solidworks might look like a hell of a challenge. Today, we are going to show you the simple steps you can take to easily create a sphere in Solidworks. Creating a Sphere in Solidworks Let’s take a close look at these three simple commands and …

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SolidWorks Tutorial: Extrude

One the first command one should learn while designing with Solidworks is the Extrude Boss/Base command which is one of the most useful tools you will have to learn no matter the CAD software you use for your designing projects. This feature contains various sub-options like blind, up to a surface, up to vertex, offset from …

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Solidworks Tutorial: Easy to Follow 3D Sketching Using Solidworks

We  have recently worked on designing this 3D model using AutoDesk 123D Design here. Today, we are coming back at it, but this time we are going to be using Solidworks. You are just about to learn how to create a simple 3D sketch using Solidworks. In 3D sketching, a graphical space handle helps maintain …

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Solidworks Tutorial: Assembly

Assembly is one of the nicest tools you can make use of while using Solidworks. We are going to use an easy example to help wrap our head around this command in minutes. Let’s get to the most important. Solidworks assembly Assembly roughly speaking help you make a complex model made of other models previously …

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SolidWorks Tutorial: SWEEP

SWEEP is the one feature in Solidworks that helps sweep a closed profile along a closed or open path. In this session, we are going to use a simple 3D object as an exercise to demonstrate the use of the SWEEP command in Solidworks. Let’s right dive into it. Solidworks SWEEP Step 1 Create a …

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Solidworks Tutorial: Solidworks Equation

If you just came across the two words Solidworks and equation put together, it might sound a little strange. Let’s use this post to look deeper into how to use equations in Solidworks. In Solidworks, Equation Creates mathematical relations between model dimensions or other model properties. They use dimension or property names as variables Let’s take …

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Comparing Pro Engineer vs SolidWorks

Once again, we introduce you to another computer-aided design (CAD) software battle and in this round, SolidWorks will be sparring against PTC Creo also known as Pro E. First and foremost, it is important that we state their involvement with 3D and surface modeling which means they can be compared. But before pitting these two …

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Solidworks Tutorial: How to Draw a Coke Bottle

In this tutorial, we are going to use various commands such as Extrude, Loft, Sweep cut, Revolve, Projected Line, Fillet and etc to create a coke bottle in Solidworks. Without further delay, let’s dive into the tutorial How to draw a coke bottle using Solidworks Step 1 As we are used to, start with the …

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