Electronic DIY Night Lamp

The best DIY projects are the ones that are useful like the clock we built last time. I had lots of fun while making this project and I found a use for the finished product right after I finished building it.

As you might have noticed looking at the picture below, we are going to be building a night lamp today.

Before we start, a quick warning: this project is powered by 230V AC which can be very dangerous, be very careful and if you are a kid, make sure to be supervised by an adult. This project uses a photoresistor so the lamp will turn on only when it is dark.

Here is what you will find in the box:

electronic components

As usual, we start by placing the small components. Let’s solder the resistors.

There are 4 different values of resistors. To know what the value of each one is, a route to go is to use a multimeter. If you do not have a multimeter, use the image below to know what goes where.

circuit board

Solder them and cut out legs.


Now we will solder the diodes. Those are the black components similar to the resistors. The strip on the diode should match the same strip on the PCB as shown below.

diode mounted on the circuit board

There are 4 black diodes and one clear with a little bit of orange color – this one is labeled as D5.

resistor mounted on the circuit board

After putting the diode in place, it’s time to solder the photoresistor and the capacitor.

sensor mounted on the circuit board

Now let’s put the LEDs and transistor on the PCB. Remember all these have polarities while connection.

mounting led

The very last component to solder is the big red capacitor together with the cables that connect to the pins of the plug.

mounting the frame
connecting the input and output cable

Let’s put the case in place and make to screw the board to the back part of the case.

Close the case and add the green part to the front of it.

DIY Night Lamp

Make sure that you are safe while testing this project!!! 230V AC is very dangerous. BE CAREFUL!


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