Arduino LED Cube Project

Let’s add a new LED project to the numerous Arduino LED projects we have been working on here. Today, we are building a 4x4x4 LED cube. All we need for this project can be found in this kit. It is an Arduino shield that we need to build ourselves, connect to the Arduino board, and program …

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Electronic Project: The Making of an Electronic Dice

The best DIY projects are the ones that give you joy when used. And as every board game enthusiast knows, a dice is usually the most important piece of every board game. Therefore, if you have ever found yourself in search of throwing dice to use during family gatherings or on camping trips, then you’ll …

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How to Clean a Circuit Board

Occasionally, we receive e-mail requests asking if we offer PCB cleaning services once electronic devices become erratic. If you are one of those who have ever wondered how PCBs get dirty or abused and what it takes to clean a PCB, this post is for you. Today’s discussion will be centered around how PCBs get …

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Top 15 Engineering Books that Simplify Technical Terms

The study of engineering regardless of the discipline you choose is one filled with technicalities, the learning of theories and equations coupled with their application in solving real-life problems in diverse situations. Therefore, having a solid foundation during your formative years as a student which can be built upon as time goes by, is quite …

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Robot Building Kit for Education

Looking for a way to speed-up your programming skills? Yes, or no, it is vital. In today’s world where robots and computers have taken over everything, there is no better way of improving your learning experience than introducing yourself to everyday growing technology. They are more into robotics simply because it is the best way …

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Electronic Project: DIY Electronic Clock

Most of the previous tutorials here have been Arduino related, but there are much more than just Arduino when it comes to making things. Connecting projects on a breadboard is a simple and fast way to prototype but when you want to keep your project for a long time or present it on some kind of contest or …

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Solar Robotics: The OWI 14-in-1

To perfectly understand the 14-in-1 robot kit developed by OWI Robotics, it is quite important to understand its parent company, what it stands for and the idea behind developing the robotics kits[1] for kids. So here is a little expose on OWI. OWI is a robotics company interested in educating children on the benefits of …

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Tetris: Pursuing a Nostalgic DIY Project

No game defined hand-held gaming in the 80s’ like Tetris. If you every burnt through tens of AA batteries to move through level 1 to 20, you definitely know what I am talking about. And as retro gaming makes a comeback, now is the perfect time to revisit past joys by developing a Tetris hand-held …

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Electronic DIY Project for Your Lover

SIMPLE is always the best when you are learning. Talking of simple, today, we are building something impressive using this beginner DIY kit. This kit will actually help a lot in sharpening your soldering skill and will also help you understand electronic better. Should I say this project is a great one for beginner and …

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Electronic Project: DIY Line Follower Robot

Today, we will build a line follower robot. This project is a little bit similar to the Arduino robot we made here some time ago. But there are some differences between them. The biggest one is the price, today’s project is probably the most affordable way to start with robotics. This robot is also different than the one …

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Electronic Project: DIY Advanced clock

We have previously worked on a relatively simple DIY electronic clock here, today we are coming back with another clock, but this time with lots more components as compared to the previous one. This time, it is at the edge of the beginner level due to the fact of the number of parts to be …

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The 10 Steps to Making Your Personal DIY OLED Wrist Watch

The saying ‘practice makes perfect’ is one that rings true in the electronics and hardware manufacturing niche. Therefore, to elevate your soldering, PCB design, and creativity, taking on DIY projects on a regular basis is recommended. So, here is a slightly more advanced DIY electronics project you can undertake. The project is the development of …

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The Different Types of Circuit Boards And What You Should Know

If you are reading this, you already know what a circuit board is and may have used one. But for those who don’t, here is a little introduction. A circuit board is a standalone board that mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks. Therefore, they form the bedrock of every electronic device …

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Electronic DIY Night Lamp

The best DIY projects are the ones that are useful like the clock we built last time. I had lots of fun while making this project and I found a use for the finished product right after I finished building it. As you might have noticed looking at the picture below, we are going to …

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The Most Entertaining and Programmable Robot Kits for Adults

The field of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. And for those who doubt this statement, a simple analysis of the great strides made by individuals and enterprises to take robotics mainstream in the last decade would definitely convince you. Now, every Tom, Dick and Harry, Kids or Adults can now participate in …

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