Draftsight Basics Completed

We have completed a  handful of useful tips using Draftsight here lately and this post will make sense if you have already visited or are familiar with the content of the previous episodes.

Here they are if you need to check them out:

Draftsight Basics completed

In this post, we will complete 2 drafting exercise that will help understand a little better how to use this CAD software as a beginners.

But before diving into those, I would like to introduce you to these commands.

While presenting the following commands, I will be referring you to the AutoCAD already written posts about these commands for the simple reason that they are identical. For instance, using a TRIM command with Draftsight happens the exact same way it happens with AutoCAD.

That being said, I would like you check the following commands:

modify icons draftsight
  2. COPY
  4. MOVE
  8. SCALE
  10. FILLET

Let’s go through the DELETE, OFFSET and PATTERN command with Drafsight.


This command allows you to delete an object. It does the same job as selecting an object and hitting the Delete Key on your keyboard. I will rather use the Delete key on my keyboard to delete than using the DELETE command though the result is the same. It is just a matter of habit.

To Use the DELETE command

  1. Select the object or objects to delete
  2. Click on the DELETE icon


The OFFSET command Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves. Let’s say I have a curve, and would like to have an identical curve parallel to the already existing one, this command will help me do it. Identically for a circle.

circle offset draftsight

To use the OFFSET command

  1. Click on the OFFSET icon
  2. Specify the offset distance
  3. Select the object to offset
  4. Click inward or outward


This command is called ARRAY in AutoCAD. it allows you to Create copies of objects arranged in a pattern. In Draftsight, we can create (in 2D) two types of pattern. The Circular pattern and the rectangular pattern.

If you click on the PATTERN icon, you will have the following window.

pattern draftsight

Let’s create a circular pattern of elements with Draftsight

You must first have the primary element of the array.

pattern creation draftsight

With the curve above, we can create a cool object made solely of copies of the curve placed uniformly around a center point which you specify while creating your pattern.

To create this circular pattern.

setting windows pattern draftsight

Make sure you, first select the type of pattern you aim to create, tune the settings, select the center point of your pattern, and click on OK.

Settings of this command are pretty much self explanatory and I will invite you to play with them to have your head around this command. Drop a comment below if you have any struggle figuring out what is for what.

I think we are done to start playing a little bit.

Using all what we have learned, you can try completing the following exercise where all dimension are given for you to replicate each of them with 100% accuracy.

Training exercise 1

cad exercise

All Chamfer are 3X3

Training exercise 2

cad exercise

Hope these have been helpful. I will invite you to check these 2D CAD exercises

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